Remedial Massage Services
Your personalised massage can incorporate a variety of modalities of which these are an illustrative selection.
Your massage will be tailored to your specific health issues, any injuries you may have and what you would like to achieve from your remedial massage session here at Swan Valley Sports Massage.
We will discuss your health history and perform any necessary assessments before the commencement of the 'hands on' treatment element of your time in session. Rest assured, the service price does not change depending on the techniques or equipment used - such as kinesio tape, cups, needles etc.
Deep Tissue Massage aims to treat various musculoskeletal issues, pains and strains often associated with sporting injuries.
Deep Tissue Massage is often what most people associate with 'Sports Massage', but in reality it is a valuable massage technique regardless of your sporting level or experience!
Slow, deep massage strokes are applied in order to release tension within the muscles, fascia and connective tissue with the aim of alleviating pain.

Functional Release Cupping combines contemporary
research on fascia, the application of myofascial cupping, functional movement patterns and the anatomy trains
concept to make dramatic changes in range of motion, functional capacity and perceived pain levels.
This dynamic approach to cupping is highly individualised to your own movement deficits.
Functional Release Cupping takes the traditional concept of myofascial cupping and incorporates an evidence-based approach to its application while ensuring the treatment is highly outcome-focused.
You will see measurable increases in range of motion and function immediately after application.

Myofascial Dry Needling can be used to treat myofascial pain - musculoskeletal pain associated with both active and latent myofascial trigger points (MTrP's). A MTrP is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibres. An active MTrP has spontaneous pain or pain in response to movement, stretch or compression, while a latent MTrP is a sensitive spot with pain or discomfort in response to compression.
Dry Needling involves very fine, solid filiform needles which are inserted into your muscle to stimulate it, often invoking what is known as a 'local twitch response'. Dry needling affects several structures - from the skin, through the fascia and then into the muscle layers in order to achieve relief from muscle pain.

Feel free to contact me if you have any queries on any of my services offered or if
you would like clarification or more information before booking an appointment.
Want to get in touch?
Botanic Loop, Brigadoon, WA 6069
0438 173 706